It is essential to the existence of any church to possess a vision. Proverbs 29:18 clearly informs us Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Visions from God concerning His Church are to be embraced by each congregation. As the undershepard of this Congregation, as I kneel before Lord for direction for this congregation, it is my prayer that each of us will embrace the vision that He has given to His Church. In the book of Habakkuk the Lord instructs Habakkuk And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
What is the Vision of First Baptist Church Guthrie, Oklahoma? As we consider the mandates of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is our challenge to move from Maintenance to Ministry. Maintenance is important for the physical structure and its development. But Ministry is what the Lord=s Church should be about. Ministry causes lives to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Although we are not readily able to see the instant transformation on an individual’s life as we would seeing new carpet or the change of the decor of the Sanctuary, nevertheless a person’s commitment to following Christ is more important. We have been able to see lives encouraged and transformed here at First Baptist as a result of Ministry. We must encourage each member to be ministry minded. As the church strives to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, it becomes imperative that she, the Church look at the relevance of its practices in light of a changing environment. Change is inevitable. What worked in the past may not necessarily work in the present. For the church to continue its existence in the community in which it resides, it must adapt to change. The message of the Church does not change. However, it practices must continue to evolve so that she becomes relevant for her time.
D.O.M.E. Ministry is a concept that refocuses on the Church=s Ministry given to her by its Founder and Owner. Several passages of scripture helps to shed light on the church=s ADevine Imperative.@ The first scripture is found in Mark 1:17-20.
Secondly, we must focus more and invest more in our youth. Providing our youth necessary essentials for life, the Word of God, Social Skills, Manners, are all essential for their development. Developing our youth in these areas help to assure our youth of proper conduct and healthy relationships. Providing for healthy physical activities is also important. First Baptist Church must look at the total development of the person. Organized and Structured activities promotes safe and sensible enjoyment while also providing a Christian prospective in the enjoyment.
Thirdly. Attendance. Growing our attendance through teaching and preaching assures First Baptist of having a solid future. We want to place special emphasis on each member becoming equipped with the Word of God through Bible sturdy and D.O.M.E Training. Preaching brings about instruction and encouragement as we mature in our Christian faith.
Lastly, OUR MEDIA MINISTRY. God=s people should not be last to embrace change. We live in a high tech world that has seen the communication and entertainment arena change dramatically. We must strive to meet the challenge of our time by being innovative in delivering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been blessed with great technology to use as a tool for worship and the spread of the Gospel. It is our goal to continue to develop this ministry by training other to assist us in this Media Ministry, and developing a CD / DVD/ Video ministry.